Still in Manas

Bored, and watching movies all day. nothing to do except wait...the DEFAC (dining facility) is nice, they have free candy bars other snacks all over the place. So I guess I'll just get fat and wait lol. It get's kinda cold here at night, nothing to complain about but people still do. Weak southerners...;)

I'm in Manas finally. I'll be here for awhile so I've been told. This place is stark, depressing, and awful lol. Manas is in the country Kyrgyzstan...I don't want to sound like an idiot but I've never heard of this country until now lol. Things could be worse though, well I said that until I saw my bed (picture is really dark sorry, couldn't get flash to work)

I'm already home sick, and I'm missing my wife a lot. We just got a land line installed since our cell phone signal at the house is complete crap. Well she wrote the number down for me on a piece of paper and somehow I lost it on the way here. I effing hate traveling. I always lose stuff.

The USO is a really good organization that helps military Morale. Before we left GA there was a bunch of old ladies from the USO giving us free stuff like razors, batteries, home made pie and cookies, giant chocolate bars, hand made wool beanies. I felt like hugging them because I only had the batteries in my camera and no spares lol.

Anyways, I'm going to bed...I've been on a plane for a total of 20 hours and I need real sleep, or whatever I can manage in my little bunch surrounded by 200 other snoring soldiers:P

In Ireland

Left Savannah at 4:30am lol, we stopped in Ireland to refuel the plane. It's like 45 degrees here. Don't have much battery left.


I won't be able to update the blog for awhile do to flying from Savannah GA to Bagram Afghanistan:P I will take pictures and blog in MS Word and once I have internet access I'll upload everything:P

I leave today.

Well I leave today, around 2200 (10:00 PM). Me and my wife spending our last day together at least until r&r 8 months from now will probably be the most depressing part of my deployment. I have some last minute packing to do, as if my bags don't have a combined weight of 131lbs already...other than that it's just sit and wait for the time to go by.

Yesterday I saw a video on youtube of a Soldier seeing his dog after coming back from Afghanistan. It made me realize how much I'm going to miss my German Shepherd, and even my cat (the little bastard that he is).